ফারদিনের চোখে সুন্দরবন ( Sundarban Tour )

শামস ফারদিন দিহান । সপ্তম শ্রেণির এক মেধাবী ছাত্র । সুন্দরবনে ঘুরে এসে লিখেছে নিজের মত করে একটি ইংরেজি আর্টিকেল । লেখাটি দৈনিক সাতক্ষীরায় প্রকাশ করার সাথে সাথে তার জন্য থাকল অনেক শুভ কামনা ।

Sundarban is the biggest mangrove forest in the world. There are many kinds of animals, trees, rivers etc. Sundarban’s two third area is in Bangladesh and one third area is in India. Last 4th February we went to visit the Sundarban by Satkhira Press Club. Almost 150 people were with us. At first we went to the khulna port with three buses. From there we got in the Launch. we hired our Launch at 3 lakh T.k. Before the launch started, we bought some dry foods from the shop. The Launch started at 10 p.m. At that night, we got our supper at 11: 30 p.m. We got Khichuri wth mutten in supper. The Khichuri was cooked well. After our supper everybody went to the room for sleep. After woking up in the morning, we took our breakfast. After breakfast, we went to the Hiron point. We went to the Hiron point by trawler. Hiron point is in the Khulna range. We walked 3k.m. Then we again came back to the trawler and then at Launch. After taking our lunch, we went to Dublar chor at 3p.m.The rash mela is held at Dublar chor. We saw many kinds of sutki fish there. Like- Shuri, Loitta, Baush etc. And some fishes is decorating in the house. We spent a lot of time there. After buying sutki fish, we got back on Launch. Our trawler do not go more than two times. But a hindu man went to the rash mondir. So after third time he got back on Launch. After getting back on Launch, he gave bhog to everybody. At this time, my grandfather started his religious preaching. He said to the hindu man that you gave the bhog to made thing or the God. He said, I gave the bhog to the God. Then my grandfather said, you believe that the creator is one. But why you give the bhog to others? The man was very good.

So, he didn’t say anything. After that day in morning, we went to jamtola. There we walked about 5 kms to the jamtola sea-beach. We stayed almost two hours there and then got back to the Launch. In other days, we saw many places. Like- Kotka, we saw many deers there. After that day, we went to Harbaria. There is a foot sign of a tiger. Then we went to Koromjal. In Koromjal, people cultivate crocodiles. All these days we took many pictures. But we didn’t see a single tiger. Everybody said that these time if we will see a tiger and hunt that tiger and took it home. But instead of lucky man no-one can see a tiger. Only hear the roar of the tiger. So, the govt. and the forest division should take step strictly to save tigers. With everything I enjoyed to visit the Sundarban.

Writer :
Sams Fardin Dihan
Class: Seven.
Satkhira Govt. High School
Date- 11-2-2019

দৈনিক সাতক্ষীর/P.M

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